At Creekwalk Inn Bed and Breakfast, sweetheart's month is all about chocolates and roses and cozy fireside dining. All month long. Plus the fun of day hikes, picnics, knowing you hiked a few miles on the Appalachian Trail well before the through hikers even have stepped foot on it! Where the night lights are stars in the Milky Way, you will need a flashlight to find the path. Featherbeds...and bring your own kindle, or we have a huge library of books, or just write your own out by the creek. Special for February is 2 nights lodging in a cozy bed and breakfast room with private bath, 4 course dinner for two, roses and chocolates, a gourmet breakfast for two, a picnic lunch, and afternoon tea...just $499 (hot tub suites, $199 extra). Lobster dinner for two, just $25 extra, be sure to order when you make your reservation. Call my cell at 865-696-2222 or email at janice@creekwalkinn.com Have a wonderful February and declare your Valentine's Day any day of the month!